Head of Coloprotology and Pelvic Floor Therapy CPCC
Head of the certified competence centre for surgical coloproctology
Tom G. Kirchner MD, MHBA
Specialist for Surgery
Specialist for Visceral Surgery
Telephone: (030) 809 88 - 225/325/359
Email: koloproktologie@mic-berlin.de
Other Titles
Additional qualification proctology
Additional qualification minimally invasive surgery
- Abdominoscopies for diagnostic purposes
- and abdominal wall hernias
- Biliary interventions
- femoral
- incisional
- Rectal/anal interventions
- Surgery for hiatal hernia treatment
- Surgery of the liver
- Surgical interventions for benign and malignant colon disorders and inflammatory alterations
- Surgical interventions for fistula treatment
- Surgical interventions for inguinal
- Surgical interventions for inguinal, femoral, umbilical, incisional, and abdominal wall hernias
- Surgical interventions for intestinal prolapse treatment
- Surgical interventions for piles treatment
- Surgical interventions for reflux treatment
- Surgical interventions for slow transit constipation and obstipation
- Surgical interventions for the treatment of adhesions
- Surgical interventions for the treatment of rectoceles and pelvic floor descent
- Surgical interventions on small intestine
- Thyroidal interventions
- umbilical
Dr. Tom G. Kirchner has been head of the Pelvic Floor Centre and the Coloproctology/Visceral Surgery Centre of the MIC Hospital since 2008.
Since 2012, Dr. Kirchner has worked in the surgical practice with a focus on rectal medicine, hernia surgery and visceral surgery in the MIC.
Selected Expert Surgical Department
Proctology/Visceral Surgery (Leading Medicine Guide) since 2015
Recommended physician for visceral surgery and proctology (FOCUS) since 2017.
Laparoskopisch assistierte transanale Resektion beim Rektumprolaps (coloproktology
The German Registry for Natural Orifice
Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery.
Report of the First 551 Patients (Annals of Surgery 08/2010)
Koloproktologische Kinderwunschchirurgie- Erfahrungen aus einem überregionalen
Endometriosezentrum (coloproktology 01/2019)
Differenzierte Therapie der Stuhlinkontinenz (BDC Akademie 06/2018)
Therapiestandard Rektumprolaps (ANC/BDC Brandenburg/Berlin 04/2018)
Differenzierte Therapie des Rektumprolaps (BDC Akademie 06/2017)
Qualified member of the Professional Association of Coloproctologists in Germany e.V., BCD
Full member of the German Society of Surgery, DGCH
German Society for Visceral Surgery e.V., DGVC
AG Minimally Invasive Surgery of the DGCH, CAMIC
Association of Saxon Surgeons, VSC
Surgical AG for Coloproctology of the DGVC, CAPD
European Society of Coloproctology, ESCP
Society of American Gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeons, SAGES