Quality & Safety


What experiences have other patients had during a hospital stay? Would you recommend the hospital where you were treated?

Since November 2011, the insurance companies AOK and BARMER, together with the “Weisse Liste“, have been questioning patients throughout Germany about their experiences in hospital using the scientifically based “Patients’ Experience Questionnaire” (PEQ).

More than one million questionnaires are sent out every year. Almost half of the patients contacted respond, making it a superior benchmarking tool. The results of the largest patient survey in Europe make it possible for patients to compare the experiences nationwide.

Since 2012 the S+A Klinik für MIC has achieved extraordinarily outstanding results – and has always been amongst the top 3 hospitals, more often than not leading the list in total.


No hospital can claim to work without ever making any minor mistakes at all. The MIC hospital has one great advantage: we were able to design workflows, processes and safety regulations from scratch and perfect any imperfection immediately. There are no “old procedures”, there is no “but that is how we always did it”.

All procedures and the entire technology are geared towards the needs of modern minimally invasive surgery and patient safety and brought to life through a professional and highly motivated team.

Since 1997, all hospital processes have been constantly analysed, renewed, improved and modernised. All MIC employees independently suggest, accept and implement newer, better and safer procedures. First and foremost is the constant monitoring of the safety and quality of all processes for our patients.

Despite a steady increase in the number of patients throughout the years, the complication rate has not increased.

Safety of medical devices

Legal regulations as of 01.01.2017 § 6 MPBetreibV

(1) Health care facilities with regularly more than 20 employees shall ensure that a competent and reliable person with medical, scientific, nursing, pharmaceutical or technical training is designated as a representative for medical device safety.

The contact person for medical device safety in our clinic is Mrs. Cabrera Fugardo, who can be reached at n.cabrera@mic-berlin.de