Innovation & Competence

In 1993, Professor Omid Abri, a visionary in medicine and a pioneer in minimally invasive surgery, co-founded the S+A Klinik fuer MIC GmbH. It was to become the first specialized hospital for minimally invasive surgery with an operating theatre specifically equipped to cater to this new method of operating.

In 1997 the hospital was opened and the first operation was performed.

In the following years, intensive efforts were made to perfect all processes. In 2000, this culminated in the most modern operating room worldwide, the OR1.

Whereas in November 1999 the MIC performed about 1400 operations with twenty licensed beds, today, with sixty beds, we complete more than 6800 operations per year.

Through two decades of practice and thousands of operations all MIC Surgeons and medical staff are highly trained. Operations are performed faster and safer than in any other facility.